BibleTime Mobile APP
- Over 60 English Bibles are available.
- Bibles available in over 80 languages.
- User Interface in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Lithuanian
- Multiple independent document windows
- Parallel Bible and commentary text
- Copy / Paste from Bibles, Commentaries, and Books
- View cross references, footnotes, and Strongs references
- Multiple Window arrangements(single, tabbed, horizontal tiled, vertical tiled)
- Flexible and quick searching of multiple documents with highlighted results
- Font name and size setting for each document language
- User interface font size is adjustable for easier viewing
- Forward/Backward history in each window
- Works will on phones and tablets
- Color Themes
- This application is based on a popular desktop application, BibleTime, but with a user interface for mobile devices
- No advertisements and no personal data captured