BGR - The Burger Joint APP
Our restaurant concept is based on perfecting the art of grilling – and has been supported by the many awards we are privileged to have won. All new BGR restaurants will open under ‘BGR – Burgers Grilled Right®’; and, over time, existing BGR restaurants will be remodeled and transitioned to ‘BGR – Burgers Grilled Right®’.
BGR restaurants are not all owned by BGR. Local owners operate BGR restaurants in their communities – your communities. Some of our existing ‘BGR the Burger Joint’ restaurants will serve our new menu before there is a change in that location’s brand name and/or a remodeling is initiated.
Download our app to get rewards and extra perks. Here’s how it works:
1) Register your credit/debit card(s) in the app.
2) Shop as usual.
3) We’ll buzz your phone when you earn a reward. No need to fish your phone out, check-in, or scan anything. Just pay as usual.
4) Rewards show up on your phone for you to use. It's like magic!