BetApp APP
Note: Every Student can login from here and view their respective details and academics when they logged in
1. Student Basic Information (here students can view their information)
2. Exam Time Tables:
2.1 Internal Time Table (Here Internal Timetables are displayed along with date and timings)
2.2 External Time Table (Here External Timetables are displayed along with date and timings)
3. Marks:
3.1 External Semester Wise Marks (Here students can view their semester marks by selecting semester)
3.2 Credit Register (Total credits acquired by students will be displayed here)
3.3 Due Subjects (Backlogs for the particular student will be displayed here)
Notifications (all notifications forwarded to students will be displayed here ex: regarding drive , fees notifications etc.)
3.4 INTER MARKS (Here students can view their semester marks by selecting semester)
Student can pay there Regular and Supply fees through this app.