Berea Teleconference APP
Besides offering the very latest Christian news, Berea opens up the archives of your favorite Christian articles and magazines for you to explore. You can also keep your important contents on the cloud.
Berea App lets you personalize your experience based on your own interests, allowing you to quickly find your favorite audio, video and articles - and discover brand new ones!
We feature the most popular and sound favorites, including The voice of Berea.
Berea also introduces Audio links from our daily teleconference, with plenty of Christian bible study and teachings and inspirational messages, sermons and worship songs plus a generous selection of carefully reviewed videos from BereaTube.
Some of the other exciting features in Berea app includes:
- Faster loading
- Push notifications for news, conferences and content
- Multiple Magazine articles
- Access to carefully selected Mezmur and Sermon Radio stations.
- Please visit for our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
- We are signing up new titles every day! To suggest titles or report any technical difficulty you might be having with our app, please email
Our mission is to have content devoted to empower His servants, provide cutting edge stories devoted to today's Christian, promote Christian values we find important, and editorial content your whole family can enjoy. More than that we are committed to support equipping christian values and evangelism all over the world.