A security application that monitors the safety of ZS Dis workers in the field

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BeeSafe Corporate ZSDIS APP

Introducing BeeSafe Corporate ZSDIS - a security platform for WesternSlovak Distributors, primarily focused on automated calling for help in the event of a threat (for example, any workplace threat, when a worker can not effectively call for help himself or use BeeSafe to increase communication efficiency - plumbers, , chemists, mechanics and field workers, etc.).

BeeSafe also has other capabilities, communication and process functionality that will be integrated as needed within the BeeSafe platform for ZSDIS.

The one behind BeeSafe is made up of IT specialists, design and development solutions, and the field of self-esteem. Summarized security practice is over 15 years and includes nuclear safety projects in Sweden (Ringhals and Forsmark), multiple airports and many other entities.
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