Beer Lab APP
is a handy and effective App to perform easily and accurately a few different calculations about beer production and analysis: color, bitterness, strength… Useful for homebrewers but also for brewers and tasters!
The App consists of a few different and indipendent sections, each one concerning different calculations, specifically color, bitterness, and strength (gravity and ABV) using hydrometer and refractometer. Each section has its own help pages and explanations of the various functions.
In the Beer Color section it is possible to visualize the approximate color of a beer with a given EBC.
The Hydrometer section allows for gravity/extract conversion (OG, FG) between different scales of measurement, their correction according to temperature and the estimation of alcohol content.
The Refractometer section contains the correction function that, taking into account the reading distortion due to the alcohol, allows using this instrument also during and after fermentation; besides, by correlating the measurements obtained both with hydrometer and refractometer, it is possible to "analyze" a beer (homebrewed or commercial) estimating its original and final gravity and alcohol content: this is accomplished by way of purposely developed proprietary formulas.
In the IBU section it is possible to add up to 12 hop additions for the estimation of bitterness (IBU), with the possiblity to take out and back each addition from the calculation, and to choose among the different formulas commonly used.
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Every user can suggest new features and also tell if are present bugs: it's very useful if you send us the reports provided by Google in case of crashes.
You can write us at the following e-mail:
For the graphical aspect, thanks also to:
- Icon made by Freepik from
- Annata vecttori designed by Freepik
- Design vecttori designed by Freepik
Let's start homebrewing!! :)