Beads App APP
Beads App allows you to create your own patterns for beads, create color palettes and control the process of weaving.
Create templates for the schema: determine what type of template you want to use, its width and height.
Create your own palettes: choose colors and use them in your schemes.
Add schemes: select images from the gallery or photos from the camera. Create a palette automatically based on the original colors or use your own.
Upload harness schemes with CrochetBeadPaint (*.cbb), JBead (*.jbb) or DB-BEAD (*.dbb) files .
Draw a pattern for the scheme yourself, or edit the scheme based on the image.
Manage the process of weaving: start the bead crochet according to the scheme, monitor and save your progress, and determine how many beads you need for each of the colors.
Use audio reader: play the scheme in a convenient audio format. The application itself will dictate the order of colors.