Beacon Tool APP
Feature Overview:
- A detected beacon is displayed with the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) value on the main screen.
- On the service screen, it is possible to access each characteristics of the service which the connected beacon has. In case of the MK71251-02 beacon of LAPIS Semiconductor, it is possible to set and get beacon parameters of UUID, major, minor, transmitter power and so on.
- OAU (Over the Air Update) service is implemented in the MK71251-02 beacon of LAPIS Semiconductor. It is possible to update the firmware of the module by using this service via Bluetooth radio communication.
- Beacon UUID can be registered on the setup screen. Beacon Tool can detect and notify the registered beacon UUID even if the app does not start up.
Note: Bluetooth 4.0 compatible devices with Android 4.3+ are required.