BBalance APP
Our vision is to prevent the next fall in the elderly population
When worldwide statistics indicates the every third person over the age of 65 falls at least once a year, we see great importance in developing a user friendly and effective solution to prevent the next fall.
The BBalance initiative is backed by clinical know-how and numerus academic research in the field of diagnostic and fall prevention, in part conducted and directed by Dr. Oz Zur.
The outcomes from loss of balance and dizziness are many:
- Health wise – fractures, hospitalization, surgeries, long rehabilitation process
- Mentally – fear of falling again, loss of self-confidence, depression, anxiety, avoidance from participating in community life, overall reduction in the quality of life
- Financially – significant costs incurred not only by the patient itself but also by his family, national
healthcare system and insurance companies
BBalance is aimed to provide an immediate solution to the patient – available anywhere any time.
BBalance App will provide the user a diagnostic of his initial status, will create a set of personally tailored exercises chosen by a smart algorithm from a database of thousands of exercises, conduct follow-up on his progress and will alert the para-medical staff of the company of any irregularities in his performance.
Based on the vast experience accumulated by Dr. Zur, we believe that using the BBalance App will enable the patient to feel more stable and less dizzy after only few days and within few months see a significant improvement in mobility and balance.
Our goal is to enable the elderly suffering from dizziness and lack of balance to regain the sense of safety and stability, become an active member of the community and resume an active lifestyle.
Bbalance was established in 2017 by Dr. Oz Zur, PhD Physiotherapy, developer of "Zur Balance System" and founder of the Israeli center for treatment of dizziness, imbalance and pain and by Mr. Eyal Bayer, CEO of Multiplay Media, a multimedia expert, entrepreneur and project developer in the field of software and hardware.
BBalance operates from 2 main centers: a clinic in the Sharon area and from SouthUp Technological Incubator at Nir Am, Sderot. We are currently in negotiations with senior's homes and HMOs to validate the technological implementation of the app.
For further information: Dr. Oz Zur 0523524311 * Eyal Bayer 0508352020 *