Banjo Lessons APP
Banjo is a stringed musical instrument with a long neck and a round open-backed body consisting of parchment stretched over a metal hoop like a tambourine, played by plucking or with a plectrum. It is used especially in American folk music. The first definitive description of an early banjo is from a 1687 journal entry by Sir Hans Sloane, an English physician visiting Jamaica, who called this Afro-Caribbean instrument a “strum strump.” It's a cool instrument to learn!
You may want to check our bonus content we have on the app for you which includes the most popular songs and banjo tunes, also listen to bluegrass radio and folk radio which is part of a great musical experience and learning.
Our musical instruments app selection takes pride on having this app as part of it. You can also find content to learn how to play the harmonica, the oboe, the flute and many other instruments!
So if you're a beginner, and would like to find out more about how to play the banjo, this is the best place to be, check it out now!