The hottest Romanian jokes added and voted by users!

Latest Version

Aug 12, 2021

App APKs

Bancuri Românești APP

See the hottest banks.
Rate them, comment on them or post your joke that made you laugh the hardest!

Romanians always knew how to say the best banks.

Whether they are with blondes, or with the famous Alinuța, or attacking the political class, the Romanian banks show the developed sense of humor we have.

We Romanians know good jokes!
This is the truth!

The application gives you access to the largest database with Romanian banks that was ever created.
And you can put your own banks in the database and your banks can be voted as "Mișto" or "Nașpa".
If your benches are super cool then you can reach the top and everyone will know what arsenal of jokes you have.
But be careful !!!
If you put on too many jokes then you will have to bear the consequences and we have the right to publish any more jokes!

Reasons why a bank can be invalidated by the administrator are:

1. The bank is NOT a bank
2. The bank looks a lot like another one already posted by another user
3. The bank has many grammatical errors
4. The posting contains more than one bank
5. The posting is not written in Romanian
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