Baldwin Girls' High School APP
Institutions are run by the Methodist Church in India under the Chairmanship of the Bishop of the South India Regional Conference of the Methodist Church in India. Baldwins is renowned the world over for the quality of its education, interdisciplinary interaction within the multicultural community across a whole spectrum of cross-cultural
activities and intellectual development.
Founded in 1880 by the missionaries of The Methodist Episcopal
Church, Baldwin Girls’ High School offers an outstanding educational
experience, for into the traditional fabric of value based education is
woven most intricately, technology aided learning/teaching- a blend as
exquisite as its conventional and modern buildings.
Keeping alive the vision of our founders, we endeavor to equip our
students academically, socially and spiritually to meet the challenges
and adapt to a fast-moving world with wisdom and fortitude for the
general good of the community.
Application Information:
In the school, the mobile app for a manager is an authorized person to access the department administrator role of the school management.
App Features
Login: Manager is required to the school mobile app by using their User Name or Password.
Stay Updated: School mobile app allows the manager to stay updated regarding school internal activity.
School Manager app features & benefits
This application enables the manager to manage schools in all internal department by using a school mobile app.
The mobile application allows the manager to see complete information for students as well as staff and parents.
The manager has access to check exam details, students’ performance based on exam, topper list as per class and year, Exam result details based on class and section.
Using this app manager can easily communicate to staff, student and parents through email/SMS.
A manager has access to manage students & employee birthdays report based on date and month.
A manager has to access the CEO for creating and managing events of the school.
Time Table: This school mobile app allow the manager to manage staff daily and weekly time table based on class and section.
Fees: Manager can able to manage fees information like days’ wise fees collection, over fees and individual students wise fee information based on academic year by using school app for the manager.
Staff In/Out: Using the school application for a manager can able to see staff check-in /check-out and break time report based on date, month and year wise.
Staff Salary: Our school manager app allows to check monthly salary details for individual staff.