Bahar APP
This App does not own or host any content. it is an independent app to streaming media available on the web. Many Videos are from YouTube and these are open to use publicly and we are not the owner of those videos. it simply aggregates links in a convenient, user-friendly interface. we do not provide streaming content ourselves. this application is designed to enable users of android, ios and web to easily find and access media content over the internet. if you make use of this application you agree to respect the rights of the content owners. if not you should not use this application.
Copyright Infringement
this app does not tolerate any copyright infringement. It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. If you are a copyright owner or an agent thereof, and you believe that any content on this app has objectionable content or violating your copyrights, please Contact us That content will be permanently removed from the app.
This App:
• does not download YouTube content
• does not cache YouTube content for offline playback
• does not play YouTube in the background
• does not play YouTube when the screen is turned off
Thanks for choosing Bahar app for entertainment, enjoy watching your favorites from here!