BabyTalk Translator APP
Using machine learning BabyTalk instantaneously translates your baby’s sounds into one of eight general intents; these eight intents represent your baby’s physical feelings, moods and states of mind and are as follows:
- Hungry
- Laughing
- Burping
- Discomfort
- Belly Pain
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Tired
In addition to these eight general intents, each baby also has a unique vocabulary of sounds. You can train the BabyTalk app to learn your baby’s unique vocabulary of sounds by telling the app what each sound means when your baby makes it. When you give the app 5 to 10 examples of a specific sound for your baby (e.g. “I’m hungry”, “I’m tired”) the app can start to recognize that sound when it hears it. The sound recognition is updated once a day so it may take up to 24 hours for the app to start recognizing the new word after you have provided the training information.
To train the app to learn a specific sound pick a context where you know with certainty what your baby is trying to say (e.g. at feeding time the baby is saying “I’m hungry”, at nap time the baby is saying “I need to rest”). Use the app to translate those sounds. You will get one of the eight general intents as a translation, select “No, Change it” and then provide the correct translation. Repeat this 5 to 10 times then wait up to 24 hours for the app to update and learn your baby’s sounds.
Reach out to the BabyTalk Team anytime with ideas or issues at
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