Baby Loading widget APP
✔ Enter date of Last Menstrual Period (LMP) (first day)
✔ Beautiful progress bar showing weeks and days
✔ Personalize your widget for boy or girl.
Premium in app purchase includes:
Ad Banner Removal
Happy counting!
Problems with installation?
This is home screen widget, NOT THE APPLICATION, please read the instructions on how to add widget:
Older phones (before Android 4.0 ICS):
• To add a widget, touch and hold an empty location on a home-screen. Menu will pop-up, select Widgets.
• "Choose Widget" menu will popup. From there, find and select "Baby Loading" widget of desired size and color.
Newer phones and tablets, Android 4.0 and later (Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean):
• Touch the All Apps icon on your Home screen.
• Click “Widgets” tab at the top of the screen.
• From the main Widgets screen, you can swipe left until you find "Baby Loading”
• Touch and hold the desired widget’s icon, slide your finger where you want to place it, and lift your finger.
If there are missing "Baby Loading" in list of widgets, try to restart phone, it might help.
To add the widget to your Android 4.2+ device's lock screen, simply swipe to the left-most page of your lock screen and touch the big "+" icon. Then, select "Baby Loading" add the widget.