Avisador de radares NOTON APP
- Safety camera alerts (Spain and Portugal) including new radars PHOTO Priority Areas and Residential.
- run in the background
- autostart BY BLUETOOTH
- Can not remember where he parked? NOTON WILL HELP YOU FIND YOUR CAR.
- crumbing
NOTON is a free fully functional application, to continue its development includes advertising.
If you want to eliminate advertising you can install NOTON + will keep all your data and will NOTON without any advertising.
AVISADOR RADAR: Enabling this feature will alert NOTON nearby radar while driving. Will inform fixed, mobile, radar section, radar traffic lights, radar tunnel, black spots, accident concentration sections, radars ... If your speed exceeds the limit radar, NOTON alert you with a beep sound.
NOTON works with LaradioBBS.net database, so you have a radar warning device with high performance.
READING NOTIFICATIONS: Enabling this feature NOTON read aloud (via TTS) notifications that reach the status bar of the device. So you can be aware of the arrival of new emails, new SMS, missed calls, alarms, messages, social networking ... without having to touch the phone.
Crumbing: Whenever functionality camera warnings are activated either automatically (auto-start Bluetooth), or manually, NOTON record basic information about the route taken as Date / Time Start and End of the line, elapsed time and kilometers.
You can view this information in both the application itself and using the Trayectos.csv file that is stored in the NOTON folder on your memory card.
FIND VEHICLE: From the screen paths by clicking on the last leg, has the option to Find Car, Google Maps directly start telling where he parked the car.
FAVORITE PLACES: From the screen paths can be stored a position as favorite place. If the end point of a journey is near a favorite will be reflected in the way the destination. All favorite places are managed from your particular screen and can edit the description of each location and even start the browser to guide the favorite place you want.
OPERATION IN THE BACKGROUND: Both radars service announcements such as reading service notifications work in the background and can use any other application without losing any notification or warning. In the notification bar you can see at any time the status of both services.
Bluetooth AUTOSTART: By default both services are configured to start automatically when it detects a Bluetooth connection to a headset.
Reading service for notification is required to permit access to NOTON accessibility. To enable accessibility must go to Settings> Accessibility and turn on the box NOTON. Clicking on the button READ NOTICES go directly to the Accessibility settings to proceed to its activation.
All notices and notices of radars are made using the service TTS (Text to Speech). This service is installed by default in most mobile phones, however, you can install different voices from the Play Store. For notifications and warnings NOTON check that you have installed on your computer TTS voices are not heard.
Any problems, questions, comments or suggestions about NOTON send it to our service notonapp@live.com assistance, we will be happy to assist you.