AutoServ perform quality, honest automotive repairs at a competitive price

Latest Version

Oct 8, 2023
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AutoServ APP

Our mission is to perform quality, honest automotive repairs at a competitive price. We strive for 100% satisfaction for our customers and are willing to work hard to achieve this goal.
Our values in AutoServ guide our decision-making and work ethic. We believe in honesty, integrity, respect and reliability. We can’t sleep at night unless we give you accurate estimates and quality repair work. We value our customer satisfaction and aim to increase reliance every time you bring it into your car.
At AutoServ, our top priority is to ensure the safety and health of all our customers and employees. We want you to feel happy and comfortable driving your vehicle at this uncertain time so we have applied all kinds of complimentary services for your convenience.
Now is a great time to take advantage of our availability and schedule your service for whatever needs to be done. Please let us know how we serve you and provide all kinds of services. We are here for you now and you will need us anytime.
An organization must maintain a registrar of members in accordance with the law so that the details of the members can be displayed and all their details can be recorded. By recording all the processes of the members, we can easily provide all kinds of services to that member. Also, you can get all kinds of benefits and all kinds of best services by installing our application and taking membership.
Our application is designed so that all our customers can save their time and easily get all kinds of benefits and services by contacting us. If you install our application, you can easily contact us and take all kinds of services very easily. After installing our application you can make an appointment through the app very easily and then you don't have to wait for your queue while visiting the workshop. There is no need to stand in line. This will not be a waste of your time. You can also contact us as soon as possible to let us know in advance about all your services. By doing this we are able to provide all kinds of services including your serial in advance very quickly. In addition, you can easily find out about all our services.
Please Note: When installing various systems required for the workshop, it is always best to deal with one system at a time. Complete an installation before moving on to the next one.
Finally, don’t forget the storage in addition to the numerous wrenches and ratchets that decorate any workshop, a home will need several special tools. Like any workshop space, the more you keep the floor closed the better.

For marketing purpose, your device info & primary and social accounts information may be used in our marketing & re-marketing purpose. In additional, we also would check your device info & primary and social accounts information to prevent multiple account registration

We take data protection seriously. Please read our privacy policy for information on how we treat your data and your rights.
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