Auto Tasker APP
Here are only some of the things you could do with Auto Tasker. It's very simple and just do some repetitive tasks for you.
☑ Automations
Automate some tasks for you based on time and date conditions!
Core functions:
1. Automate SMS: Send SMS at specified time or repeat according to a certain cycle.
2. Automate Telegram messages: Send telegram messages to bots at specified time or repeat according to a certain cycle.
3. Automate Email: Send Email to someone at specified time or repeat according to a certain cycle.
4. Automate Lock Screen: Lock the phone's screen at specified time or repeat according to a certain cycle.
Note: Auto Tasker uses the BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN permission in order to provide the System Lock functionality
-Other functions
● Support defining one or more scheduling rules, each rule supports editing, disabling, enabling, deleting, immediate execution and other operations
● System notification after each timing rule is triggered
● Support repeat options include (by minutes, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly)
● Support history records triggered by recording timing rules
● Support security lock function, shield malicious viewing and modification
● Automatically retry SMS, email, Telegram message sending request, if you encounter network problems, the app will automatically resend after the network is restored