Auto Connection APP
Use this application to turn off mobile data automatically when It's no need to turn on.
- Battery Saver and Long Battery Life. As you know that turning on mobile data drain battery too fast. Use this application to automatically turn off mobile data to stop battery draining
- Data Saver. For user who not use unlimited mobile data plan, this application can reduce data usage by automatically turning off mobile data when screen is off or in specific time.
- Stop Disturbing. Every time mobile data is connected, background thread such as instant massaging application will download the new message from their server and show notification on your phone. Our application can be set the period of time to turn off mobile data to stop downloading in background thread.
Main 3 Features in this application.
1. Turn off mobile data in period of time. You can set period of time that you want to turn off and turn on mobile data automatically. This period time usually be at night.
For example. if starting time is 22:00 and ending time is 06:00, This application will turn off mobile data at 22:00 and turn on it at 06:00. During this period. If you turn on mobile data by yourself, the application will automatically turn off mobile data after screen is off.
2. Turn off mobile data when Wi-Fi is connected and turn on it when Wi-Fi is disconnected. In some case, your mobile is connecting Wi-Fi but mobile data is not turning off and your mobile still using mobile cellular data (There is ! symbol under Wi-Fi icon and android show "Wi-Fi connected but there is no internet access"). This application can detect when Wi-Fi is connected and turn off mobile data for you. You can input list of specific Wi-Fi IP address that you want this application to turn off mobile data (Optional)
3.Turn off mobile data when screen is OFF. There's no need to stay connected cellular data all the time when screen is off. You can set duration that you want your phone to turn on/off mobile data while screen is off. For example, turn off mobile data 5 minutes then turn on it 1 minute alternately. In turning off period, you will save battery life but your phone won't be able to sent/receive any data until turning on period.
Update v1.0.1
- add option to show/hide notification icon on status bar
**Due to a limitation of Android version 5.0+, This Application requires root access (Super User) to enable/disable mobile data automatically. If you're using Android 5.0+, please root your phone before using this application; otherwise, this application can't work properly.