Information and pictures of more than 2,600 plants (with subtypes)

Latest Version

Apr 9, 2024
Google Play ID

App APKs

AuGaLa Pflanzenbuch APP

- Plant database information and pictures of more than 2,600 plants (with subspecies)

The app is exclusively available for:
- Trainees * in gardening and landscaping from companies subject to apportionment levy!

* After the trial period, trainees from companies subject to apportionment levies receive an activation code from the AuGaLa together with the plant books for free use of the app!

With the paid “GaLaBau-Pflanzen” app, landscape gardeners, landscape architects, garden experts and all garden owners and plant lovers can also access the content !!

The structure of the plant descriptions is based on the plant books of the training fund for garden, landscape and sports field construction. V. (AuGaLa), which was specially developed for the demanding needs in gardening and landscaping (with all exam-relevant content on plant science for trainees in gardening and landscaping).

The app not only provides information about the essential, common plants, but also about their properties and possible uses.

Due to the extensive botanical identification and usage part of the plant profiles, it is suitable as a reference work and source of knowledge for all trainees!

Variable search!
in the complete list (A-Z), by botanical or German name

Glossary and keyword search!
Search for technical terms, plant symbols and abbreviations

Filter functions within the ranges!
Deciduous trees, conifers, plants for indoor greening, fruit trees, shrubs, bulbs and bulbs, ornamental grasses, ferns, swamp, water, bedding and balcony plants, weeds and wild herbs, native protected plant species ...

Detailed filter functions and numerous search criteria to be combined!
Assortment, family, flowering time, location, leaves, flower color, size, location, soil etc.
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