Challenge to encourage the promotion of the bicycle as a means of travel

Latest Version

Jun 7, 2024
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Au Boulot à Vélo APP

The principle of the challenge is simple, it is a team competition in which each participating establishment – ​​company, association, administration, community – must accumulate the greatest number of kilometers cycled by its employees on home-to-work journeys and/or or professionals

The objective is to put the foot in the stirrup to those who are not yet cyclists but who could easily become one because of a reasonable home-work distance, or easy intermodality.

The challenge therefore rewards establishments that have been able to mobilize a large number of participants who have participated on a regular basis.

Each establishment is classified in a category according to its status (public or private) and its size (number of employees).

Several challenges will take place during the month of June that will allow each establishment to rack up additional kilometers. Discover all this in the new 2022 regulations!

To participate, a single referent must create an account for his establishment.

Once the establishment is registered, the referent can invite his colleagues to proceed in turn with their registration on the dedicated link of the establishment.

During the four weeks, each participant will then have to enter the kilometers they cycle on their personal account on a daily basis.

Only establishments with more than 2 employees and located in one of the 33 municipalities of the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg have the right to register for the challenge.

The participating establishments compete in a specific category defined by their belonging to the public or private sector and their size (number of employees).
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