Attack Of The Alien Bugs APKAtaque Dos Insetos Alienígenas APKAtaque De Los Insectos Alienígenas APKАтака Пришельцев ошибок APKCuộc Tấn Công Của Các Lỗi Người Nước Ngoài APKการโจมตีของโรคจิตคนต่างด้าว APKهجوم الحشرات الغريبة APKUzaylı Böcek APKAttacco Di Insetti Alieni APKAttaque Des Insectes Exotiques APKAngriff Der Außerirdischen Fehler APK외계인 버그의 공격 APK外国人のバグの攻撃 APKAanval Van De Buitenaardse Insecten APKAtak Obcych Błędów APKविदेशी कीड़े का हमला APK外星虫子的攻击 APKAngrepet Av Fremmede Bugs APKАтака іншапланетнага Bugs APKHyökkäys Ulkomaalainen Vikoja APKАтака на чужди грешки APKAtaka Iš Svetimų Klaidų APKNapad Od Stranca Bugova APKUzbrukums No Svešzemju Bugs APKTámadás Az Idegen Hibák APKНапад чужорідні помилок APKÚtok Z Cudzích Chýb APKNapad Tujec žuželke APKAttack Av Främmande Buggar APKMashambulizi Ya Mgeni Bugs APKSerangan Pepijat Asing APKΕπίθεση από τα ξένα σφάλματα APKVälismaalase Bugs Rünnak APKÚtok Z Cizích Chyb APKحمله اشکالات بیگانه APKAngreb Af Fremmede Bugs APKAtac De Bug-uri Străin APK
Defend yourself against an endless swarm of alien bugs.
Alien bugs have infested the planet and you are on your own in the desert. Defend yourself against a never ending swarm of them for as long as you can. You have to use your gun and grenades effectively and keep checking around you. The radar at the top of the screen will help you know where the bugs are. You can move to a new position by tapping on it's marker. It is recommended to use the gyroscope but a joystick option is available if you want to use it. To play the game hold your device out in front of you while standing up and turn in a circle to look around. How many bugs can you kill?
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