ATOM Store, Myanmar APP
No data charge for using ATOM Store App in your daily life anywhere, anytime with ATOM mobile data.
New ATOM Store app features:
- Brand New Design & Home Page: Enhanced the app experience to make customer journeys FASTER and EASIER for your daily use! Now all your favorite actions and features are within a click, scroll or swipe.
- Easy and FASTER to check your utility features: check your main and pack balance, Kyo Thone, EASY top up from QR code or your preferred payment option (MPU, Visa, Master, Wave and many more digital wallets).
- FlexiPlan: Full freedom to make your own plan or bundle (Data, Voice, SMS, Validity) with great saving and Gift Plan to your friends and family.
- Game and Rewards: Buy packages and enjoy seasonal offers and gamifications.
- Explore More Beyond Telco:
STAR loyalty base program with 60+ partner’s discounted offers.
Entertainment: ATOM Yatha digital outlet for you to enjoy TV channels and videos on demand free
Check SIM status and ownership change
ATOM Academy for online learning & ATOM Wellness program
Many MORE customized offers, horoscope, Shwe Nar Sin and gaming content.