Asya Sürücü Kursu APP
Since the day it was founded, it has provided uninterrupted and accurate training to driver candidates, and has always been appreciated by its candidates with innovative and modern training products, increasing their encouragement and motivation in lessons. By following the technology closely, it has provided the E-Exam Application, E-Book Application and Video Lecture materials from the Driver Media team and made them available to its candidates.
Our Asian Driving Course, located in the Kayseri region, where education is always at the forefront in traffic culture and is aware of its necessity, has brought safe driving techniques to its trainees with the latest model training vehicles and simulator vehicles. It aims to educate drivers who have gained self-confidence in traffic against the rights and priorities of others, especially the environment. It has made all its candidates aware of traffic etiquette in traffic culture.
We welcome everyone who has the same feelings and thoughts as us, who thinks that the driver's license is a part of the society rather than just driving, and who knows that the consequences of minor mistakes will cost both their own lives and the lives of others, and who want to learn.
With this application, you can better prepare for the MEB E-Exam system by solving questions for online exams, and you can reinforce the topics better with online book and online video sections.
* There are also content in different languages in the online book section. At the same time, the lessons are divided by topic.
* You can find content separated by topic in the online video section. At the same time, you can continue the video you watched later from where you left off.
* There are questions with different content in the E-Exam section. Each time you take the exam, different questions come up in the questions prepared in full accordance with the MEB curriculum.