AST Dosering APP
The dose indicator currently has a database of approximately 550 substances / fabric combinations and approximately 22 target animals / target animal groups:
- Aquarium Animals
- Guinea
- Chinchilla
- Dove
- Ferret / Skunk
- Lizard
- Dog
- Canary
- Cat
- Chicken
- Rabbit
- Land Turtle
- Bog Turtle
- Other Rodents
- Horse
- Parrot
- Poultry
- Rat
- Raptor
- Hose
- Ostrich
- Terrarium Animals
NB The dose indicator in cooperation with specialists with the utmost care and precision composed of a combination of the most recent literature data and empirically established. The application is only intended as an aid and can not be seen for the information from the official registration dossiers as a substitute. The editors are not responsible for any side effects, problems and / or damage arising from the use of this application.
For further information on this dosage pointer please contact AST Farma:
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