AskAnAppointment APP
The beneficiary (IP, Family or Staff) can
• Schedule and Book an OPD appointment
• Reschedule the appointment
• Cancel a scheduled appointment
All registered/eligible beneficiaries (IPs, beneficiaries and Staff) can use the Insurance Number/Employee Number along with Mobile number to login and avail appointment for OPD Registration. OPD appointments can be booked or modified for self or the declared dependent family member, at the stipulated ESI dispensary/hospital. However, the booking for the hospital OPD is meant for only those who have been referred by the doctor of the designated dispensary.
At present, the app content is available in Hindi and English languages.
Once the appointment is booked, a Booking Reference Number is sent the registered Mobile Number. The patient is required to visit the specified Health Center registration Desk/Counter 15 minutes prior to the appointment. The Reference Number shall be required to be produced at the Registration counter / Doctor for availing priority services.