Check the bathing area of ​​interest along the Campania coast

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Jul 10, 2023
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ARPAC Balneazione APP

The activities relating to monitoring for bathing are carried out in compliance with the provisions of the sector regulations (Legislative Decree 116/08 and Ministerial Decree of 30 March 2010 mod. Ministerial Decree 19 April 2018).
Along the regional coast, 328 bathing waters have been defined in which control points have been identified, where the maximum influx of bathers or the highest risk of pollution is expected.
The analytical determinations on the samples carried out concern two bacteriological parameters: Escherichia coli and intestinal Enterococci, considered specific indicators of fecal contamination by the World Health Organization.
The checks, during the bathing season, are carried out on a monthly basis, from 1 April to 30 September, in compliance with a calendar of sampling, made public by ARPAC on its institutional website and communicated by the Region to the Ministry of Health and the European Community. .
In the event of unfavorable outcomes, in addition to the Region and the Ministry of Health, the municipal administration is promptly alerted by the ARPAC so that the appropriate measures can be adopted, the causes of the pollution identified and the remediation measures implemented .
According to the provisions of the law, at the end of each bathing season, a quality class is attributed to all bathing waters, through a specific regional resolution, based on the statistical analysis of the data obtained in the last four years of monitoring.
The quality classes provided for by the standard are: Poor, Sufficient, Good, Excellent and, in relation to the class in which each water falls, different management and monitoring methods are envisaged and the possible adoption of remediation measures aimed at protecting the health of bathers.
The waters "unsuitable for bathing", at the beginning of each bathing season, are those that are of "poor" quality.

The use of a specific APP, on mobile devices, relating to the bathing status of the Campania coasts, allows the set of information on bathing, currently disseminated and detailed through the web channel of the ARPAC institutional portal, to be conveyed in a more effective and timely manner. (
The surveillance program on the quality of bathing water falls within the institutional tasks of the ARPAC entrusted by the Campania Region with Law no. 10/98 establishing the Body.

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