ARmore APP
The supported publications can be selected from a list view and the AR contents can be accessed through the camera view while flipping through the pages of the selected book or newspaper.
In addition, ARmore is more than a standalone mobile application, it is also a general and dynamic platform for creating and editing AR contents. These contents can be easily managed by the publishers and editors through a web interface. No programming skills are required, simply a reference image has to be uploaded from the printed publication for each digital content. These images are recognized by the AI engine of the system and the attached AR content can be accessed immediately from the mobile application. The data is managed in a dynamic manner, there is no need to reinstall or restart the application for accessing new contents.
If you are a publisher or an editor, please contact the dev team for gaining access to the web administration interface. If you are a reader enjoy your favorite printed publications augmented by ARmore.
Some final remarks:
You will need the printed (physical) version of the selected publication (book or newspaper) to access its AR contents using ARmore. If you are looking for a specific publication, be sure that it is supported by ARmore (generally this is indicated within the printed version of the publication). The contents are managed exclusively by the editors and publishers, the current list of the supported publications and the attached contents are not defined or influenced by the development team.