Argento e-Mobility APP
We are constantly working to improve your riding experience!
Having problems?
1) uninstall the current application
2) verify that you have activated Geolocation and Bluetooth on your smartphone
3) install the most recent version of Argento e-Mobility available on the Store.
Do you still have problems?
To allow an in-depth analysis and the solution of your case send us a report via Whatsapp to +39 351 754 0954 indicating:
1) e-mail account with which you use the vehicle
2) model of your smartphone and operating system version; you can make a screenshot by going to Settings -> About phone
3) model of your vehicle (e.g.: PF1)
4) the exact Bluetooth name of your vehicle (local name); you can get it from your smartphone by searching for available devices on Settings -> Bluetooth -> e.g.: "PF1".
Be very careful to correctly report capital letters, lowercase letters, and spaces.
5) the Bluetooth identifier of your vehicle (see screenshot 3)