Weather4D APP
Weather data types:
- Cloud cover
- Precipitations (Rain, Snow)
- Wind 10 m above mean sea level
- Temperature 2 m above mean sea level
- Pressure MSL
- Waves (Height, period & direction)
- Ocean currents
Data model:
- Data from Arpège, Arome, WRF, NOAA GFS, NAM, CMC GEM, COAMPS, FNMOC WW3, MyOcean
- Forecasts up to 10 day
- Data steps : 3h, 12h, 24h
- Worldwide Cover
- Data updated 4 times a day (every 6 hours)
The data are in the form of stacked layers that can be assembled at will. The fine tunings allow to adjust the readability according to the taste of user: modes display, level of transparency, types of symbols, etc.. A "full screen mode" allows you to use the entire screen area.
Weather4D is a very user friendly application and easy to use. However, it relies on highly accurate forecasts developed for professional use worldwide. It is designed for demanding users.