أفضل KODI Live TV إضافات 2019

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Top KODI Addons 2019 (Non-official) APP

This app collects the Best KODI Live TV Addons 2019.

HOW-TO:Install add-ons:

Step 1: Select Install from repository. If no other repositories are installed then this will open directly into the Kodi Add-on Repository. If other repositories then a different window will open allowing you the choice of which repository you want to use.

Step 2 Select the add-on category, in this case Look and feel (applies to Kodi Jarvis and up only).

Step 3: Select the add-on sub-category, in this case Skin.

Step 4: Select the add-on you want to install, in this case the skin Aeon Nox.

Step 5: A summary dialog will be brought up allowing you to see various properties of the add-on. Select Install to begin automatic downloading and installation.

Step 6: Once you select install, Kodi will begin downloading your add-on and you will see the download progress beside the add-on's name.

Step 7: Once the add-on and it's dependencies are installed you will be able to use that add-on. In the case of skin installation you'll be asked if you want to change to the installed skin immediately.

¡¡ Non-official Application !!
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