Public transit schedule

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مطوّر البرامج
عمليات التثبيت

Hungary Public Transit APP

You can view real-time timetables, get instant updates on traffic changes and plan your route from anywhere in Hungary. The list of providers is constantly growing, and currently, you can find BKK (Budapest), MÁV, Blaguss Agora (Szombathely), Paksi Közlekedési Kft. (Paks), and Volánbusz (and local) lines in the app: most of them are real-time!

- Real-time timetable
- Nearby routes based on GPS position
- Possibility to save favourites
- Transfer options
- Route details: follow the vehicle in real-time or view its route on a map, platforms and bus stands
- Instant notification of traffic changes
- Estimate vehicle position if no real data is available
- Combine timetables from different cities
- Dark mode

Supported cities: Budapest, Ajka, Balassagyarmat, Balatonfüred, Balmazújváros, Bátaszék, Bátonyterenye, Bonyhád, Csurgó, Eger, Ercsi, Érd, Esztergom, Fonyód, Gödöllő, Gyöngyös, Győr, Hajdúszoboszló, Jászberény, Karcag, Kazincbarcika, Keszthely, Komárom, Komló, Körmend, Lenti, Mezőtúr, Mohács, Monor, Mosonmagyaróvár, Nagyatád, Nagykanizsa, Nyíregyháza, Oroszlány, Ózd, Pápa, Paks, Salgótarján, Siklós, Siófok, Sopron, Székesfehérvár, Szekszárd, Szigetvár, Szolnok, Szombathely, Tamási, Tata, Tiszafüred, Tiszaújváros, Újszász, Vác, Várpalota, Zalaegerszeg

Terms of Use can be found at, and Privacy Policy can be found at
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