زوولايف -Zoolife APP
هدفنا الأول هو تقديم وتسهيل الخدمات للعملاء في البحث في عالم الحيوان.
إنشاء ملتقيات لملاك الطيور والمواشي والأسماك والخيول وغيرها.
منصة تجمع كل العيادات البيطرية وكل شركات الأدوية والأعلاف وكل ما يخص الحيوانات.
We found ZooLife platform to collect everything related to animals and make it easy for users to search for buying and selling, food, medicine and vet clinics, and it brings together a group of experts and advisors to provide and share the best advices and experiences, ZooLife includes shows and entertainment events in the animal world.
Our Goal
1. Our primary goal is to provide and facilitate services to clients in researching the animal world.
2. Establishing forums for the owners of birds, livestock, fish, horses and others.
3. A platform that gathers all veterinary clinics, all pharmaceutical and feed companies, and everything related to animals.