Aqua-Tots APP
View Your Schedule
With so many activities to juggle, your swim schedule is at your fingertips. View upcoming classes and see which friendly instructor will be welcoming your tot into the pool.
Cancel an Upcoming Class
Whether your little one gets sick or you plan a well-deserved family vacation, cancel an upcoming class quickly and conveniently.
Schedule a Make-up Lesson
Aqua-Tots' make-up policy means that your missed lessons will be waiting for you. Reserve the days and times that work for your schedule, so your little one can continue their Swim Journey.
Receive Lesson Reminders
Day-to-day schedules can spin on a dime with little ones. Get notifications to keep your upcoming classes top of mind.
Track Progression
Your child’s Swim Journey is in your hands. Literally! Follow along on their Aqua-Card to see what skills they’ve mastered and which ones they’re still working toward on their journey to safe and confident swimming. (Aqua-Card access varies by location.)