apseedsポータル APP
Get instant job notifications, changes, and more, and stay in touch with field personnel.
Also, you will receive a job request on the day you are free.
・Those who employ part-time workers
You can send the previous day's notice to the smartphone of the part-time worker. In addition, we can perform urgent recruitment of vacancies.
*For app users*
■If you have any questions during use, please contact us through our "Inquiry" form■
→ Please search for "APC's" from a search engine, etc., and bring it up to our website. Then, please select the "Inquiries" → "Inquiries (current customers)" button on the top of our website. An inquiry form will appear.
Thank you very much.
☆Our homepage☆
URL https://www.apseeds.co.jp
★ Our inquiry form ★
URL https://www.apseeds.co.jp/staff.html
☆ APSEEDS HR BLOG-Useful media ☆
URL https://blog.apseeds.co.jp/