Apres APP
The credential will automatically update your membership data and that of your family group according to the latest information available and each time you use the application. It will indicate the changes of name, plan, condition against VAT and in general any other useful information for your identification with the providers.
In the event that you do not have coverage, it will be indicated on the digital credential so that you can track the accreditation of your payment.
With the off-line Credential, the application will allow you to show your affiliation, and the validity of the coverage, even when you do not have a data connection; In order to do this, the credential must have had the opportunity to synchronize during the day.
Electronic transmission of the member's data between the APRES APP and the Provider's applications: the credential will transmit via NFC (in those devices where this technology is available) the member's data so that they can be read by proximity by the provider's systems.
Optical transmission of the affiliate's data between the APRES APP and the Provider's applications: the credential generates a QR code that allows the member's data to be read by the provider's optical devices. This QR code is generated with a random key so that the image has unique security features.
Medical Card: shows the member the providers available for each specialty for the contracted medical coverage. Also indicating according to where you are (or the town where you want to move) the providers available for the requested specialty.
In this booklet, the providers are listed, but also geolocated on a map, to tell the member how to get to the place of care.
Offline Medical Record: a local version of the record will be maintained and updated when possible so that it can be consulted at times when it is not covered.
Emergency coverage information: the data to access the emergency room will be present and you can dial or connect directly from the application by selecting the type of emergency.
Minors' Credentials: in the case of family groups where there are minors under 16 years of age or disabled dependents, the system will provide that the credentials of the dependents appear associated with the credentials of their parents or guardians.