Aprende Institute APP
Short on time? No problem. We're here for you whenever and wherever you're ready to study. No access to a computer? Don't worry, just grab your phone or tablet and have your Aprende Institute courses at your fingertips when you're on the go.
With the Aprende Institute mobile app, you can:
* Download and study everywhere even without an internet connection.
* Receive reminders about your progress and assignments.
* Schedule your live classes easy and fast.
* Send your assessments without the need for a computer.
* Upload images, audio, videos and other files.
* Access immediately our help and support center.
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Like us: https://www.facebook.com/aprendeinstitute
Follow us: https://www.instagram.com/aprende_institute/
Retweet us@: https://twitter.com/Aprende_Ins
Watch us: https://www.youtube.com/aprendeinstitute