AppSavy APP
AppSavy is for everyone Individuals, societies, Organisations and Citizens. Its available on all major platforms including Web, Android and IOS.
As an Individual you can create your app with no software knowhow in just 5 mins. You may create
- Health Tracker to monitor health parameters of dear one
- Create your Task List with categories, timelines, owners, record follow-ups
- scan and manage AMC bills and due date of my repairs RO, AC, Computers, Mobile, TV etc,
- Plan key item wise monthly budget and manage your expense
- Track your GYM class attendance and performance
- Diet plan – Manage your target and achieved diet plan
- Memorize key items and actionable once you meet old college friends and Much more –
Create yourself…. start AppSavying and did we mention Its FREE.
As an Organisation you have options you can go for Off-the-shelf softwares or go for custom softwares we think you will agree that there are issues, Off-the-shelf softwares usually are Slow to adapt or change to industry needs, Your feature request may get ignored if it doesn't benefit the larger customer base, May require you to change your process to fit the software and surely there is Higher customization fees and Custom softwares have high initial cost, All changes and feature requests will be billable and long timelines. In summary either way you have to compromise and you wish you had a magic wand. we think its time for you get AppSavy, you just need to create screens, configure rules and users and start using, you shall be up and running in week not months forget years. Yes you get on-the-fly change management. Now lets talk about money there is no CAPEX, pay as you use, a standard cloud model but what’s new here is that you will be charged for concurrent users not for complete lists of users created, that means lowest prices ever.
Few examples of applications are Project Monitoring, Cash Flow Management, Expense Management, Surveys Utility Billing, Inventory Management, CRM, Field Teams and Much more
Societies needs a platform to communicate in a closed group. AppSavy gives you a facility to create your own App and start collaborating and Yes it is FREE if you are a RWA, Cultural Society, Market association, Social Cause, Volunteers, Blood Banks, Schools & Institutions or College group
Now if you need a provide services to customers and citizens AppSavy is for you. You may be an Utility requiring interface for customers for ticket raising, payment reminders, online payments etc, Police Department requiring interface for citizens to report issues and receive updates, Public Transport envisaging ticket booking, status updates, issue reporting etc, Service Providers requiring to publish services offered, generate new leads, interact, Government department planning to provide citizen centric services, Car Maintenance workshop requiring appointment management, service feedback, online payment, Taxi operator requiring booking taxi, status updates, issue reporting, offers etc and Much more. Pricing again is similar, there is no CAPEX, pay as you use, a standard cloud model but what’s new here is that you will be charged only for internal users and not public users that means lowest prices ever. – Create any App …. be AppSavy