App Freezer APP
Your android has Becomes laggy?
Your battery has started draining quicker than ever?
Your phone overheats and needs to cool down?
App Freezer can smart clean background processes, stop stealthy running apps.
★This app does not collect any data , your privacy is safe ★
✓ This app doesn't have read and write external storage permission.
★Freeze One: To freeze an application you want, just click it in the list.
★Freeze All: To freeze all application, just click the circular button in the bottom right corner.
★Defrost App: If you want to use the app again, you can defrost it. Just Run it in your default launcher,The App will defrost.
This app uses Accessibility services
This app is a great automated solution for users with physical disabilities and muscle fatigue, who struggle while interacting with the screen, especially when doing repetitive complicated tasks such as force closing many apps one by one.
This app automates one of the most repeating task with the user-interface , the task of "force closing running apps" ! and It does so, by closing all the apps, one by one in an automated way, and hence helps disabled users avoid to manually close each app in the system settings.
The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.
✓ This application requires internet permission only for displaying banner ads.
✓ This app requires the permission to draw above the other apps in order to be able to show the wait screen while closing apps and background process.
This app uses the accessibility service
This app requires the accessibility service permission in order to be able to close other apps.
⇒ This app will be able to retrieve the active window content in order to find the button which forces closing an app in the system settings, then emulate a click action.
⇒ This app will be able to observe the actions related to the interface in order to guide the process of automating the task of closing apps , by monitoring the transition between windows during the emulation of interaction with the interface.