App-Elles APP
App-Elles is a complementary help to the emergency services and the very first worldwide help resources plateform.
Whether you are a victim or a witness, this app is designed to help you save time and easily find useful resources and contacts. App-Elles is designed by security experts and professional technology designers in collaboration with specialists who work daily to eliminate violence against women. With App-Elles, you can alert a friend or a family member quickly and discreetly, or find and call a helpline, a emergency service such as 112 in just one click.
Girls and women need to feel safe and be protected against violence. For this we have designed a warning function with an innovating Streaming protocol. When you trigger an alert, the phone's GPS and microphone are activated instantly and an alert is automatically sent to the preselected contacts. Thanks to the information provided by the alert, your contacts can then call the emergency services on your behalf and give them specific details about your location, your health status and the type of crisis situation. They can also call you to make sure help is on the way. They can locate you and reach you if necessary. After the crisis, audio and location tracking data can be used to provide evidence in a criminal or private investigation.
Survivors and families need to find help and support. Both victims and witnesses of violence need help and guidance as to how to react, defend and heal themselves. To do this, we have created the world's first support resource database, easily accessible within this app. App-Elles uses a web service protocol to constantly update its directories with our servers. App-Elles® thus provides easy access to helplines and helpful resources. More than 30k hotlines and addresses are already listed in many countries. We are constantly updating our directories with new contacts. By selecting an area in the settings, you have access to the directory of help resources closest to you. With a single click on a hotline, its phone number is automatically dialed for you.
Wear OS 2.0+ support: The alert can be triggered and qualified from a Wear OS 2.0+ watch.