APB Bangladesh APP
Association of Physicians of Bangladesh (APB), the premier platform for specialist Physicians was founded about two decades ago including Medicine and allied specialist like, Cardiologist, Nephrologist, Neurologist, Pulmonologist, Rheumatologist, Dermatologist, Haematologist Psychiatrist, Endocrinologist, Hepatologist, Physiatrist and Paediatricians, since inception, APB has been organizing educational conferences to develop knowledge, skill and professional in a competent fashion. The first National convention of Association of Physicians of Bangladesh was held on 22nd February, 1989 in the premises on Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, Mohakhali, Dhaka Medical College & Secretary General was Professor Probhakar Purkayestha, Associate Professor of Medicine, Ex-IPGMR, Dhaka.
Association of Physicians of Bangladesh regularly publishes the Bangladesh Journal of Medicine and organizes scientific conferences and seminars for its members to keep them refreshed with newer advances in the field of Medical sciences. The Society is also very much active with programs and publications in creating public awareness in prevention of medicine diseases. In this era of globalization, Association of Physicians of Bangladesh is maintaining liaison with the allied national and international organizations to harvest the optimum benefit.