This is an augmented reality app that allows you to trigger any type of content.

Latest Version

Jan 5, 2022
Google Play ID

App APKs


This is an augmented reality app that allows you to trigger any type of content, such as 3D models, videos, images and other. It's possible to make custom augmentation, bring some interaction and provide some immersive experience to the users.

Augmented Reality App based on Vuforia Cloud Recognition:
- Streaming Youtube Video (from URL).
- Streaming Sound track from file on Server (from URL).
- Download AssetBundle (Model) from server and Instatiate within the app (from URL).
The second time the same image tracker is recognized it is loaded from cache.
-Download Image from URL.
-Other information: Text, Phone Number or Website.

Feature: Upload Image Tracker and attach metadata from Unity project. Works only in Unity Editor.

If metadata consists of a single data type (URL) then the content on the image tracker is loaded instantly.

If metadata consists of multiple data types (URLs) then the options (buttons) appears for
user to decide which content should be loaded.

NOTE: None of the mentioned content above are held within the app itself. Everything is streamed/downloaded from the URLs provided within the metadata (json structure).
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