Anwar Children Surgery

Latest Version

Oct 26, 2021
Google Play ID

App APKs


Anwar bumm provide care meetings over video. Download the app to take advantage of our services!

How to use
* Download and install the app
* Login with Mobile BankID (Order Mobile BankID of your bank if you do not)
* Answer a few preliminary questions
* Book a time that suits you
* When it is time for the meeting we will call you - you do not have the app running.

Another possibility is that we book into a video meeting with you. Then you'll see it in your app when you log in. When it is time for the meeting and we will call you!

Anwar bumm is a private child and adolescent medical facility operated on behalf of the Stockholm County Council. We work under the same conditions as the county-run child and adolescent medical clinics.

The target group is children and young people aged 0 to 17 years who have a complicated illness, but who do not need acute hospital specialists and equipment.

Basuppdraget is the specialist. We do not have an urgent task but we can offer a number of unplanned emergency visits per day mainly for children under 18 and children with various chronic diseases.
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