The dates, agendas, templates, attachments, minutes and resolutions published in SD.NET Ratsinformationsmanagement 4 (RIM 4) are automatically stored on the tablet or smartphone. This means that you can access all information in the system at any time, even without a connection to the Internet.
During development, special emphasis was placed on ease of use. After logging in with the login known from the RIM 4, all data is automatically synchronized. In three steps you can see your agenda or template!
Display of the agenda
- Information on the agenda item including preliminary discussions and resolutions
- Zoom function
Meeting preparation
- Markings and comments in the document
- Share notes with faction members or view other people's shares
- Full text search
Performance characteristics
- Immediate operational readiness through comparison in the background
- Simple, convenient operation
- Automatic comparison of all notes in online operation
- Full functionality in online / offline operation
System requirements
- Android 7
- Internet access