Anmol Suvichar APP
It have an 3000+ quotes in all diffrent categories listed below
-> Romantic
-> Sad
-> Emotional
-> Funny
-> Love
-> Attitude
-> Life
-> Birthday
-> Anniversary
-> Serious
-> Valentine
-> Professional
-> Rude
-> Anger
-> Missing You
-> Sorry
-> Friendship
-> Breakup
-> Inspirational
-> Cute
-> Copy/Share
-> Search
-> Favourite Section
-> Like
-> Auto updater
-> Mood Color effect in background of reading view
Internal Improvements for technical performance
-> Sync and update latest suvichar
-> Load data in segment to improve performance of app
-> Data consumption is less
-> Connection is fast due to data capture technique improvement
-> UI/UX build is light weight for better experince
and much more categories for all you want to see then explore it by installing great app Anmol Suvichar.