Anjel APP
Our application is built on one simple concept: working together to keep each other safe. Users like you create an interactive map that records individual safety experiences and determines the safety rating of locations across the globe.
Users can subscribe and personalize an alert feature which will warn them upon entering an unsafe area. Free use of the app includes having access to the map’s rating system and viewing your current safety status, which can be shared with family or friends.
Honesty is our best policy:
Anjel users set up a profile and post a safety rating of their geographic locations using three color coded categories: Safe, Caution, and Danger. Each category has a selection of icons that can be used to describe each individual experience in that location.
We are counting on you to help provide the most reliable and up to date information. By creating a profile, you can view safety ratings in your area and mark them as True or False. You can also comment on existing posts in order to share your own experiences in that location. Don’t worry! You can stay anonymous if you want.