Android Development Course APP
All important collection of android studio programming code –with practical demo example.
If you want to become an android developer so build your android skill using this amazing android programming app.
You can build your career as a android developer or software developer beginner to pro.
Mobile app development app is useful for all android developer . This is very nit and clean android tutorial app.user friendly android application.
This app is developed for advanced developer, beginner developer and professional developer.
Developer can find the java and xml code from this android course app.You can copy all useful code and paste on your android project .
Best android course with source code of all feature. Best learning android application for all over world.
There are many category example of android tutorial using java and xml.
• Introduction
• Android studio
• widgets
• Toast message
• Activity and intent
• Material design
• Menu
• Container
• Telephone manager
• Date and time
• Animation
• Multimedia
• Android basic
• Notification and alert dialog
• Sqlitedatabase
Android widgets contain :– Textview, edittext, button, toggle, switch, image button, check_box , spinner, radio_button, seekbar, ratingbar, progressbar, textswitcher, scrollview and imageswitcher.
Android toast massege contain:- SimpleToast, ColourToast and CustomToast.
Android activity and intent contain:-EmplicitIntent, ExplicitIntent,Value pass activity, rateus, share, email and whatsapp.
Android Material design contain: -Textinput edittext, floatingbutton, autocomplete text view, button navigation and navigation drawer.
Android menu contain:-popup menu, option menu and context menu
Android containers contain:- list view, search view on toolbar, custom list view, grid view, search view and web view.
Android telephone manager contain:- phone call, country code picker, check internet, vibrate,brightness, flash light and battery info.
Android date and time contain:- clock, time picker, date picker and chronometer.
Android animation contain:-move, fade, zoom, rotate, bounce, slide, blink, text marque and interpolatr.
Android multimedia contain:-take photo, take video and text to speech.
Android basic contain:-calculator, show add and android project.
Android notification and alert dialog contain:-simple alert, simple notification and custom alert.
Android sqlite database contain:- insert, read, update and delete.
These features are impediment in this app for all android developer easy to learn.User can use this android course tutorial app offline and online.