App contains code samples

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Sep 4, 2023

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Android App Tutorials APP

This app is a way to learn Android app development with examples. Because the app contains over 100 tutorials & it will help you learn to develop an Android application.

Additionally, the tutorial app contains source code for every example. You can easily develop an Android application with examples. You can start the Android app development with a basic knowledge of Java.

All Examples in the consist of 3 tabs. The first tab shows the XML code for the example. The second shows the Java code. At last, you can see the output of both the first and second parts. Then you can easily understand codes with real-time practical

The following contents are available here

Android UI Widgets. In this, You can view the Android UI widgets like buttons, text view, etc. You can view codes of XML and Java codes for these see the output and test them.

Notification tutorials . Notifications are used to inform something user. You can learn how to do it by checking tutorials of notifications.

Android local Databases. You can store users' data in local databases.

Firebase tutorials . On this part, you can check some firebase tutorials like Firebase Analytics and databases.

And much more content is available for Android app development. You can check 100+ tutorials after installing the app. You can view XML & Java codes above all tutorials and you can copy all source codes as you like. You can test the tutorial's codes output too, give some input and check the output. Also if you prefer to use the app in offline mode you can use it in that mode too.
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