Anagrams Game GAME
How many anagrams will you find in our word search game Anagrams?
Anagrams is free to play version with an option to upgrade to a full version that has more features and no ads.
* Relaxing word search game about English Anagrams
* 2 Game modes + 3 difficulties included
* Improve your English spelling and typing skills and learn new vocabulary while playing
* Global leaderboards included - compare your score with points of other people from all around the world
* Free to download
There will be shown a word in the top part of the screen and your task is to create as many anagrams (new words) as you can from all the letters in this word! You must use every letter exactly once.
Example: An anagram to word "skate" is "stake" or "steak".
* To type the letters please use the provided keyboard in the bottom part of the screen. The three buttons placed under the letters you can use for erasing and shuffling.
Challenge - 10 rounds on points with time limit
* Easy - find at least 1 anagram to be able to go to the next round. After you find at least one anagram you can continue to the next round or continue in playing the current round to gain more points!
* Medium - find at least 2 anagrams. After you find at least two anagrams you can continue to the next round or continue playing the current round to gain more points (if there are more anagrams possible)!
* Hard - find all anagrams. You will continue to the next round after you find all the anagrams of the current word!
* For each anagram you have specified time limit. If you don't find any anagram in this time limit, the game ends!
Practice - 5 rounds, no time limit. Find at least one anagram to be able to go to the next round!
Have a nice time playing our game Anagrams and if you find any bug, please let us know at, we will be very happy to fix it!