Anagram solver for word puzzles, word games. Dictionary of 130’400 words.

Latest Version

Jul 12, 2021
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Anagram GAME

Anagram Solver is a vocabulary supplementing game where you can create new words using letter conversion.
The game uses 130’400 English dictionary words. This dictionary allows the player to get a wide range of results. In addition, the game is simple to use and intuitive.

In the game, changing the layout of the letters in one or more words, results in new words with different meanings. Therefore, it can also be useful in word games, solving difficult tasks.

Example: shingle
Result: English

Tackle without additional elements:
No additional solution elements are placed behind the anagram to display all results.

Example: text
Result: text Tet ext TeX ET Te ex Xe TX

Additional solution elements:
– comma ', ' separates search elements;
– number '0–9' indicates the number of letters;
– letter 'a–z' indicates the first letter of the word;
– letters 'a–z' and '+' indicate the letter in words.

Example: text,3
Result: Tet ext TeX

Example: text,e
Result: ext ET ex

Example: text,x+,2
Result: ex Xe TX

Example: tower,w,r+,o+
Result: wrote wore wort

Example: tower,t,w+
Result: tower trow tow two

Users can search for words in the dictionary of application, their derivatives and compound words. Dictionary search is selected in the menu bar.

Search within dictionary without additional elements:
Enter the search word or part of it to find words that contain the given substring.

Example: volatil
Result: nonvolatile volatility volatilize volatile

Without entering a word, part of it, or additional search items, 1000 random words from the dictionary are displayed.

Additional search elements:
– comma ', ' separates search elements;
– number '0–9' indicates the number of letters;
– letter 'a–z' indicates the first letter of the word;
– letters 'a–z' and '+' indicate the letter in words.

When using additional search items, specify the word length, such as ', 6', and optional items such as ', a, b +, c +'.

Example: ,6,a,b+,c+
Result: abacus abduct abject Achebe Arabic

Other values entered will be ignored, such as
'test, 6, a, b +, c +', the word 'test' will be ignored.
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